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Raquel Miller


Raquel Miller, the Jamaican-born award-winning speaker and technology founder of Bunchful Enterprise, stands as a beacon of innovation in social entrepreneurship. Her journey, rooted in the rich traditions of the Jamaican countryside, shaped by the rhythms of the Caribbean sea and profound family values of generosity, has propelled her into the global arena as a champion of sustainable development and philanthropy.

From a young age, Raquel was immersed in a culture of giving, influenced heavily by her grandmother’s compassionate actions. Her grandmother was not only a pillar of support in their community but also took on the role of primary caregiver for a disabled neighbor, providing daily meals and assistance, thereby instilling in Raquel the importance of active support and personal sacrifice for the welfare of others. This legacy of compassion was furthered by her father, who extended their table to feed those less fortunate, embedding a deep sense of community and responsibility in Raquel.

Motivated by these powerful lessons, Raquel relocated to New York, where she established Bunchful Enterprise, a platform designed to elevate and celebrate acts of giving across the globe. Bunchful Enterprise has since diversified, launching several key initiatives and products under Raquel’s visionary leadership. These include Bunchful Events, the Future of Philanthropy World Summit, and the Bunchful Awards, Ball, and It’s a Bunchful World Concert. Each event is crafted to spotlight the unsung heroes of philanthropy and inspire a broader culture of generosity.

Bunchful Technologies is another significant arm of the enterprise, featuring innovations like the Bunchful MeCard, Atlas Business Directory, and Bunchful News platform. These technologies not only facilitate connectivity and information sharing but also support the global philanthropic community by providing tools that enhance visibility and foster collaboration.

Raquel’s strategic partnerships, notably with Amazon for launching a technology platform that celebrates cultural diversity, alongside collaborations with museums and renowned entities such as National Geographic, have distinguished her as a pivotal figure in integrating technology with social change. Her efforts in these areas demonstrate her capacity to leverage advanced technologies for societal benefit, thus affirming her status as a key advocate for sustainable development goals (SDGs).

In addition to her business achievements, Raquel is a fervent advocate for women’s economic empowerment and education and campaigns to dismantle barriers to women’s economic participation and champions policies supporting financial inclusion and educational opportunities. Her persuasive voice is a powerful force in boardrooms and community forums alike.

Raquel also contributes to various boards and initiatives aimed at fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Her insights into the synergies between technology, business, and social impact have made her a sought-after speaker and advisor, enhancing her influence and ability to enact meaningful change.

Through Bunchful Enterprise, Raquel Miller continues to drive forward her vision of a world where generosity is seamlessly integrated with business practice, creating an environment where companies act as stewards of social good. Her story from the tranquil shores of Jamaica to the forefront of global social entrepreneurship is a powerful testament to the impact of nurturing a vision that harmonizes personal values with professional aspirations.

Living by the mantra “Bold. Brilliant. Bunchful,” Raquel’s life and work exemplify her belief that the most profound societal changes often start with simple acts of kindness. As she leads Bunchful to new heights, her journey remains a compelling narrative of ambition, compassion, and relentless pursuit of a better world for all.