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Raquel Miller

Award-Winning International Speaker & Motivator Igniting Minds, Moving Mountains, Energizing Potentials

Bunchful Enterprise Founder and CEO, Raquel Miller leverages unmatched business acumen and creative insight to drive transformative leadership, inspiring change to mobilize global action.

Bold. Brilliant. Bunchful.

Raquel Miller: Living to give

From a young age, Raquel was immersed in a culture of giving, influenced heavily by her family’s compassionate actions. Her grandmother was a pillar of support in their community, helping her neighbors daily, and her father helped provide meals for the less fortunate. Raquel began Bunchful Enterprises in New York to provide a platform those aligning with these values of generosity. From Jamaica to the entire world, Raquel strives to create a better, bunchful world.

Today, she participates in various boards and committees including New Executive Women in Hospitality (NEWH), Yogh Group, and more.


Award Winning Keynote Speaker

Rippling Effect: Unleash your power to light the world and impact change.

March 14, 2024
United Nations International Women's Week NGOCSW 68 Forum

Multilateral Approach to Achieve SDGs by 2030, Empowering Women, Enabling Peace and Fostering Sustainable Development by Accelerating Gender Equality

Experience "Ms. Coolie's Granddaughter"
An Extraordinary Speech and Journey in Giving

Coming September 2024 at the Bunchful Awards

Join Raquel Miller as she delivers "Ms. Coolie's Granddaughter," a narrative that is set to captivate and inspire. This emotive speech takes listeners on an evocative journey through the lush foothills and sun-kissed beaches of Jamaica, the heartland where Raquel grew up and learned the true essence of giving from her grandmother, Ms. Coolie.  

With vivid storytelling and poignant reflections, Raquel brings to life the vibrant culture of the Caribbean, painting a rich tapestry of experiences that shaped her values and worldview. "Ms. Coolie's Granddaughter" is more than just a speech; it's a heartfelt homage to a legacy of generosity and love, inviting you to explore the depths of human connection and the beauty of giving. This is a unique opportunity to embark on a journey that promises to leave an indelible mark on your soul. 

Don't miss out on this inspiring event! Secure your spot at the Bunchful Awards to experience the full speech of "Ms. Coolie's Granddaughter" for the first time. This is your chance to join us for an unforgettable evening filled with heartfelt stories, cultural richness, and the transformative power of generosity.

Want Raquel to Speak at Your Event?

Featured Events
  • Young, Gifted & Black Awards, Brooklyn, NY, 2024
  • Powerhouse Leadership Conference, NYC, 2024
  • Bunchful World Summit and Awards, NYC, 2022, 2023
  • Powerhouse Global Conference, London, 2022
  • Bunchful World Summit, Virtual, 2021
  • Generosity: The Essence of True Luxury, Baruch College, NYC, 2019
  • Various conferences and podcasts


Raquel Founded Bunchful Enterprise to Shine the Spotlight on Giving

Bunchful envisions shining a spotlight on giving, cultivating a culture of philanthropy and generosity that illuminates the path towards a better world. The heart in the logo visually represents the warmth and compassion inherent in the act of giving, creating a powerful connection between the symbol and the company’s vision.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

A blueprint for achieving peace and prosperity in all United Nations since 2015 as part of the 2023 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Raquel embraces these goals and strives to build a better future.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

A blueprint for achieving peace and prosperity in all United Nations since 2015 as part of the 2023 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Raquel embraces these goals and strives to build a better future.


Of Milk and Money

Oscar Wildean characters, too ill mannered for Austenland, engage in an explosive battle of the sexes, in polite London society, circa 1890s.

Milk - From the Milky Way Romance

All of life, of loss, of love and of hope.
Classical music composed by Raquel Miller.